Wastewater Treatment Plant

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After years of planning & construction, the District of Tofino's Wastewater Treatment Plant, located near Industrial Way, became operational in 2024.

This $79.25 million project, the largest capital project in the District’s history, represents years of collaboration with the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, the Tofino community, and Federal & Provincial Government partners.

Located on the traditional territory of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation within the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, this state-of-the-art facility ensures that Tofino’s wastewater is responsibly treated, safeguarding our precious marine ecosystems for generations to come.


After years of planning & construction, the District of Tofino's Wastewater Treatment Plant, located near Industrial Way, became operational in 2024.

This $79.25 million project, the largest capital project in the District’s history, represents years of collaboration with the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, the Tofino community, and Federal & Provincial Government partners.

Located on the traditional territory of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation within the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, this state-of-the-art facility ensures that Tofino’s wastewater is responsibly treated, safeguarding our precious marine ecosystems for generations to come.

  • Outfall Construction on Cedar Street

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    Construction is planned to begin on June 19, 2023 for the Outfall Pipe along Cedar St and adjacent beach.

    Initial grubbing and site setup is set to begin June 19th, following the in water Outfall works which will continue until the August 9th

    Crews have done door knock to the adjacent properties.

  • Tonquin Connector Trail Closure

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    Public Notice - Tonquin Connector Trail Closure⁠

    The Tonquin Connector Trail will be closed from the Tofino Community Hall to Industrial Way starting June 12, 2023. It will re-open at the end of August. ⁠

    This work is part of the Wastewater Treatment Project where crews are constructing conveyance systems in the area. The revised work plan details are subject to change. ⁠

    The District appreciates everyone’s patience as we move through this critical infrastructure improvement project.⁠ Please email wwtp@tofino.ca with any questions regarding the project.⁠

  • Tonquin Connector Trail Re-opening

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    The Tonquin Connector Trail is temporarily re-opening from the Tofino Community Hall to Industrial Way. The trail will remain open until June 12, 2023 when work will resume in the area. ⁠

    ⁠This work is part of the Wastewater Treatment Project where crews are constructing conveyance systems in the area. The revised work plan details are subject to change. ⁠

    The District appreciates everyone’s patience as we move through this critical infrastructure improvement project.⁠ Please email wwtp@tofino.ca with any questions regarding the project.⁠

  • Tonquin Trail Connector Closure

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    Please be advised that the Tonquin connector between the Tofino Community Hall/ Bike Park and Industrial Way shall be closed starting April 17, 2023 and re-open July 2023. This closure is part of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project Conveyance work.

    The conveyance system is responsible for collecting the raw sewage from around town and conveying the sanitary waste through a HDPE forcemain (FM) to the waste water treatment plant (WWTP). Once treated, the effluent outfall (EO) is sent back up the conveyance footprint on the Tonquin connector and discharged at Cedar St.

    Scope of work: Tree and site clearing, excavating, HDPE pipe fusing and laying. Backfilling and grading areas of conveyance. Restoration of Tonquin Connector trail in conveyance sections.

    The Tonquin connector is a key component of this system as it is the point in which the sanitary main and the treated effluent outfall (EO) are side by side, this reduces the overall conveyance footprint and increases efficiency.

    To ensure that the conveyance system at the Tonquin connector is as efficient as possible the piping will at times follow a path that will deviate from the existing connector trail. This will generally be at points of elevation and sections that that move away from the overall heading. The area will be landscaped and restored prior to reopening to the public.

  • Campbell Street Closure (April 3 & 4, 2023)

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    Construction will be affecting the intersection of Campbell Street and Third Street as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project for April 3rd and 4th, 2023.

    Monday, April 3rd, 2023

    The intersection of Campbell Street and Third Street will be limited to single lane alternating traffic on Monday April 3rd from 7 AM – 10 AM to allow for Asphalt grinding. The scope of work is to prepare and get ahead by removing the surface asphalt to allow for excavating and pipe laying on Tuesday, April 4th.

    There is a traffic management plan in place, including traffic control personnel to allow for single lane alternating traffic.

    Pedestrian access to all businesses on Campbell Street and Third Street will be open during this time. Please use caution and follow all road signs and flagger directions.

    Traffic plan for Monday, April 3rd

    Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

    The intersection of Campbell Street and Third Street will be closed to all vehicle traffic on Tuesday April 4th from 7 AM – 8 PM to install a sever forcemain for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project. There will be traffic control personnel and detour signs around this section of town, the main detour will be up Fourth Street and along Neill Street.

    It is possible to detour north along Main St, However it is important to note that there is a ONE way in the heading east by Stormlight outfitters (Main Street/Third Street).

    There will be door knocks from District of Tofino's Public Works Staff to inform adjacent residence and businesses in advance.

    Traffic plan for Tuesday, April 4th

  • Main Street & First Street Conveyance Work (March - May 2023)

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    Construction will be affecting sections of Main Street & First Street from March through May of 2023 as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. Main Street will be limited to one way vehicle traffic through May 2023. Access will remain open to all properties and businesses during this time. Please see below for further details of the traffic disruptions:

    March 20 - April 8, 2023

    Main Street will be limited to one-way vehicle traffic from Second Street to Third Street during this period. See graphic below.

    • Access to Method Marine will still be accessible by vehicle
    • Businesses and properties on both sides of Main Street will still be accessible to pedestrians
    • Bicyclists must dismount and walk, using the pedestrian corridors
    • Pump station work to be completed in May
    • Please note that further Main St conveyance work will begin west of Second St on April 3rd limiting the intersection to one way traffic as per the second graphic.

    April 3 - 14, 2023

    Main Street will be limited to one-way vehicle traffic from 331 Main Street (The Legion) to Second Street during this period. See graphic below.

    • Wharf Street and Second Street will remain open to 2 way traffic
    • Businesses and properties on both sides of Main Street will still be accessible to pedestrians
    • Bicyclists must dismount and walk, using the pedestrian corridors

    April 17 - May 5, 2023

    First Street will be limited to single lane alternating vehicle traffic from Main Street to First Street Dock during this period. See graphic below.

    • Flaggers will be present on First Street 7AM - 7PM weekdays to direct single lane alternating vehicle traffic
    • At the end of each workday, crews will clear up the work site and re-open First Street to regular two-way traffic overnight (7PM - 7AM).
    • Vehicle access to Savary Island Pie Company and Grice Park Kayak Launch will be reduced to single lane alternating traffic 7AM - 7PM each work day as well.
    • Work day hours (7AM - 7PM) may vary day-by-day.
    • Businesses and properties on both sides of First Street will still be accessible to pedestrians
    • Bicyclists must dismount and walk, using the pedestrian corridors
    • Pump station work to be completed in May

  • February 27, 2023 Committee of the Whole Update Presentation

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  • WWTP Progress

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    supporting image

    Today, crews have cast concrete to our new Equalization Tank structure base slab.

    Work is progressing on schedule and crews have been working extremely hard to get the project to this phase in the construction.

  • Year End for 2022

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    supporting image

    Happy Holidays! - Crews will be observing a pause in construction throughout the week of December 26, 2022 and will be resuming construction on January 2023.

    The majority of rock blasting has been completed at the Facility location and crews have cast the first structural concrete onsite for the Mechanical Building sump pit, walls and slab!

    Early 2023 crews will be mobilizing throughout the District to commence work on modifying Tofino's sewage collection system and working towards casting the base slab for the Mechanical Building.

  • Tuff City Bike Park Closure

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    supporting image

    As work on the Tofino WWTP project progresses, the Tuff City Bike Park will be closed to public access and dismantled commencing the week of December 5, 2022 in order to facilitate construction of Tofino's new sanitary conveyance system.

    Crews will begin by creating a compound in the area to store construction materials and later in mid 2023 begin install sanitary influent and effluent u/g pipelines.