Water Conservation

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Tofino's Water System

Tofino’s water is collected with gratitude from the rainforests protected by Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks in the Hahuulthii of the Tla-o-qui-aht Ha'wiih (chiefs). Five creeks on Meares Island supply Tofino's water, which operates as a flow-through system.

Water Master Plan & Water Conservation Plan

The District of Tofino released its Water Master Plan and Conservation Plan in March 2024 to address Tofino’s water scarcity challenges.

The Water Master Plan - Identifies a deficit in Tofino's current raw water supply during the busy and dry months. A water deficit occurs when the community's Maximum Day Demand (MDD) exceeds the flow rate from the source creeks on Meares Island. Based on the report's recommendation, the District is actively seeking to secure an alternative water source and additional treatment capacity by 2043.

The Water Conservation Plan - Community roundtables and engineering consultants have informed the development of new water conservation stages that better suit our community's needs, adopted by Council in April 2024.

New Water Conservation Stages

When necessary, the District of Tofino will implement water conservation stages to decrease water usage, ensuring a sufficient supply for essential services like firefighting and maintaining adequate drinking water for the community.

Residents are encouraged to download, print, & post the Water Conservation Stages Infographic in their homes.


The District of Tofino makes every attempt to encourage voluntary compliance. Those who contravene the Bylaw may be subject to warnings or fines. Please note that the new Bylaw includes higher fines for refusal to comply. The focus in the early stages will be on education, not enforcement. Please use kindness and compassion to spread the word.

To report infractions, contact Bylaw Services.

What is a water conservation information and education product? During public consultation, the business community called for consistent, visitor-friendly messaging. To reach previously unreachable segments of the visiting community, all businesses must now display water conservation information. Click the Resources section on the right-hand side of this page for printable resources. Businesses may choose to design their own conservation information to display.

Tofino's Water System

Tofino’s water is collected with gratitude from the rainforests protected by Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks in the Hahuulthii of the Tla-o-qui-aht Ha'wiih (chiefs). Five creeks on Meares Island supply Tofino's water, which operates as a flow-through system.

Water Master Plan & Water Conservation Plan

The District of Tofino released its Water Master Plan and Conservation Plan in March 2024 to address Tofino’s water scarcity challenges.

The Water Master Plan - Identifies a deficit in Tofino's current raw water supply during the busy and dry months. A water deficit occurs when the community's Maximum Day Demand (MDD) exceeds the flow rate from the source creeks on Meares Island. Based on the report's recommendation, the District is actively seeking to secure an alternative water source and additional treatment capacity by 2043.

The Water Conservation Plan - Community roundtables and engineering consultants have informed the development of new water conservation stages that better suit our community's needs, adopted by Council in April 2024.

New Water Conservation Stages

When necessary, the District of Tofino will implement water conservation stages to decrease water usage, ensuring a sufficient supply for essential services like firefighting and maintaining adequate drinking water for the community.

Residents are encouraged to download, print, & post the Water Conservation Stages Infographic in their homes.


The District of Tofino makes every attempt to encourage voluntary compliance. Those who contravene the Bylaw may be subject to warnings or fines. Please note that the new Bylaw includes higher fines for refusal to comply. The focus in the early stages will be on education, not enforcement. Please use kindness and compassion to spread the word.

To report infractions, contact Bylaw Services.

What is a water conservation information and education product? During public consultation, the business community called for consistent, visitor-friendly messaging. To reach previously unreachable segments of the visiting community, all businesses must now display water conservation information. Click the Resources section on the right-hand side of this page for printable resources. Businesses may choose to design their own conservation information to display.

  • Water Restrictions To Be Lifted Effective Monday, September 9, 2024

    Share Water Restrictions To Be Lifted Effective Monday, September 9, 2024 on Facebook Share Water Restrictions To Be Lifted Effective Monday, September 9, 2024 on Twitter Share Water Restrictions To Be Lifted Effective Monday, September 9, 2024 on Linkedin Email Water Restrictions To Be Lifted Effective Monday, September 9, 2024 link

    Effective Monday, September 9, 2024, the District of Tofino will lift Stage 1 Water Restrictions. No remaining water restrictions will be in effect until further notice.

    This decision is based on current water supply data, which shows that current and forecasted conditions will ensure a secure and stable water supply for residents, businesses, and visitors.

    Since the introduction of Stage 1 Water Restrictions on May 13, 2024, Tofino has successfully maintained sufficient water levels, avoiding the need for additional restrictions. This achievement is due to the exceptional conservation efforts of residents, businesses, and visitors.

    The District extends its gratitude to Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks, Tourism Tofino, and the Tofino-Long Beach Chamber of Commerce for their collaboration and support on clear, consistent messaging that appeared at businesses throughout the District. This unified messaging helped prioritize water conservation for all users during Tofino’s peak demand months.

    Earlier this year, the District introduced new water conservation stages following consultations with residents, businesses, and engineers throughout 2023 and early 2024. These new stages were designed to better meet the unique needs of the community. Residents are encouraged to share their feedback on the new water conservation stages using the Feedback tool on this page.

    In addition to these efforts, the District is working with engineers to complete an Alternate Water Source Feasibility Study, set for release by early 2025. This study will explore potential new water sources to ensure long-term water security. As recommended by the Water Master Plan (released in early 2024), staff are also developing a Limits to Growth Policy. This policy aims to manage and guide development in Tofino over the next several years while the District evaluates and obtains an additional water source.

    Tofino’s tap water is sourced with gratitude from the old-growth forests protected by the ƛaʔuukʷiʔatḥ (Tla-o-qui-aht) Tribal Parks.

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  • Stage 1 Water Restrictions: Effective Monday, May 13, 2024

    Share Stage 1 Water Restrictions: Effective Monday, May 13, 2024 on Facebook Share Stage 1 Water Restrictions: Effective Monday, May 13, 2024 on Twitter Share Stage 1 Water Restrictions: Effective Monday, May 13, 2024 on Linkedin Email Stage 1 Water Restrictions: Effective Monday, May 13, 2024 link

    Due to the lack of rain forecasted in the next 14 days, historical data, and a recent increase in daily water use, the District of Tofino is providing advance notice of Stage 1 Water Restrictions effective Monday, May 13, 2024.

    These restrictions will be in effect until further notice.

    During Stage 1 water restrictions, the following restrictions are in place:

    1. Water conservation information and educational products must be placed in or publicly displayed in:
      • All accommodation units and/or rooms
      • All visitor-facing commercial businesses, including all:
        • Accommodation units
        • Restaurant tables
        • Kitchens
        • Cash Registers
        • Booking Offices
        • Websites
    2. Watering of food plants with a handheld canister is permitted. Watering lawns, gardens, trees, and landscaped areas is restricted to a handheld hose with an automatic shut-off mechanism, a handheld canister, a sprinkler, or a drip irrigation system.

    *Businesses can create their own water conservation messaging materials or download/print materials from this toolkit. Messaging materials will also be available at Tofino Visitor Centre & the District of Tofino Municipal Hall.

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  • Water Conservation Information Session: May 9, 2024

    Share Water Conservation Information Session: May 9, 2024 on Facebook Share Water Conservation Information Session: May 9, 2024 on Twitter Share Water Conservation Information Session: May 9, 2024 on Linkedin Email Water Conservation Information Session: May 9, 2024 link

    On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the District of Tofino, with representatives from the Tofino-Long Beach Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Tofino, hosted an information session to outline details regarding Tofino's new water conservation stages.

    Watch the recording below.

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Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 01:50 PM