Wastewater Treatment Plant

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The District of Tofino will be beginning construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) within DL117 (Industrial Way area) in Fall, 2022.

For decades the District of Tofino has discharged untreated sewage into the Pacific Ocean at Duffin Passage. Tofino recognizes the cultural, environmental and recreational values present in Clayoquot Sound and is committed to meeting our obligations under the federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations.

WWTP Facility Overview

The District of Tofino will be beginning construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) within DL117 (Industrial Way area) in Fall, 2022.

For decades the District of Tofino has discharged untreated sewage into the Pacific Ocean at Duffin Passage. Tofino recognizes the cultural, environmental and recreational values present in Clayoquot Sound and is committed to meeting our obligations under the federal Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations.

WWTP Facility Overview

  • Tonquin Connector Temporary Closure

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    The Tonquin Connector will be temporarily closed from Monday, September 26, until Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

    The Tonquin Connector will be intermittently closed to reduce foot traffic at Industrial Way during key points in the Wastewater Treatment Plant construction.

  • Special Council Meeting: August 16, 2022

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    On August 16, 2022, Council authorized staff to enter into a Master Municipal Construction Document Platinum contractual agreement with NAC Constructors LTD. to construct a wastewater treatment plant, conveyance system upgrades, and outfalls.

  • July 12, 2022: Regular Council Meeting

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    The new Manager of Major Capital Projects presented Council with an update on the wastewater treatment plant, conveyance upgrade, and outfall replacement project. The update included an overview of project progress, staffing details, design and construction cost savings, and upcoming project milestones.

    The presentation is shown below:

  • February 22, 2022: Regular Council Meeting

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    Staff provided a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project update which included an updated program cost estimate and detailed breakdown, risk and uncertainty, and implementation timeline. Staff included a detailed breakdown of the pre-construction activities and costs as well as a project team dedicated to the implementation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

    The presentation is shown below:

Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 09:46 AM