Downtown Pay Parking

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Beach Parking Permits grant access to free parking at downtown parking locations. Eligible residents can register for a free annual pass at


In spring 2023, Council authorized staff to begin implementation of a pay parking program in Tofino's downtown core. On April 4, 2023 staff launched a public engagement campaign to gather feedback from residents and businesses to help shape the details of the program. Following the public consultation phase, Council voted to roll-out the program by offering all eligible beach permit holders free parking downtown in 2023. Downtown pay parking is anticipated to


Beach Parking Permits grant access to free parking at downtown parking locations. Eligible residents can register for a free annual pass at


In spring 2023, Council authorized staff to begin implementation of a pay parking program in Tofino's downtown core. On April 4, 2023 staff launched a public engagement campaign to gather feedback from residents and businesses to help shape the details of the program. Following the public consultation phase, Council voted to roll-out the program by offering all eligible beach permit holders free parking downtown in 2023. Downtown pay parking is anticipated to be in effect mid July, 2023

Tofino’s summer vibrancy leads to increased parking pressures in the downtown core, creating negative impacts for many residents, businesses, and visitors. In frequent cases, informal and poor parking habits resulted in reduced parking convenience/access to public spaces, infrastructure and vegetation damage, degraded road user safety, and high enforcement needs.

Pay parking is a proven way to increase turnover and parking availability while providing an important funding source to support parking and mobility infrastructure costs without additional taxation.

The Downtown Pay Parking Program is the second phase of the District's pay parking program following the introduction of beach pay parking in 2021. Downtown pay parking will be operated as a separate program from beach pay parking due to the nature of the differing parking needs of downtown and beach locations.

The Downtown Pay Parking Program is being funded through beach pay parking revenues.


The objectives of the downtown pay parking program are to:

  • Encourage turnover of vehicles to ensure there are more open parking spaces and less traffic.
  • Encourage a sustainable mobility mode shift as outlined in the District's Multi-Modal Transportation Plan.
  • Introduce an additional revenue stream to support District programs, services, and facilities.

The downtown pay parking program is largely based on the existing parking system in the downtown core. Areas that are currently designated as timed parking will become the pay parking spaces, areas that are currently reserved for offshore parking will be unchanged.

The program is proposed to be in effect from May to October each year, between 9AM and 6PM daily. Parking demand in Tofino is highest during the busy visitor season, and the May to October timeframe is the time of year when other mobility options including the Free Shuttle, cycling, and walking are available and attractive. The daily 9AM to 6PM paid hours provide accommodations for residents to shop, bank, pick-up mail and run other errands outside of those hours without having to pay for parking during the summer season.

Public Input

The District of Tofino would like to hear from members of the community on how the program is working over the summer so staff can continue to make improvements that work best for the community. Please use the 'Comment' and 'Ideas' features below to contribute your thoughts.

TalkTofino provides a safe space for feedback, opinions, debate and ideas. Comments that include racism, personal attacks, hate speech or violate the moderation policy may be removed.

  • 2 Systems: Downtown Pay Parking vs Beach Pay Parking

    Share 2 Systems: Downtown Pay Parking vs Beach Pay Parking on Facebook Share 2 Systems: Downtown Pay Parking vs Beach Pay Parking on Twitter Share 2 Systems: Downtown Pay Parking vs Beach Pay Parking on Linkedin Email 2 Systems: Downtown Pay Parking vs Beach Pay Parking link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Downtown Pay Parking Program and the Beach Pay Parking Program are proposed to be 2 separate programs.

    The two parking programs are separate due to the nature of the differing parking needs of downtown and beach locations. Parking in the downtown core is largely focused on a high turnover rate like many downtown areas. Parking at the beaches is focused on long term parking needs related to visiting the beaches and more akin to parking in a paid lot.

    The Beach Pay Parking Program accommodates longer parking periods for beach users.

    The Downtown Pay Parking Program is intended to encourage multi-modal transportation to reduce vehicular travel within the downtown core, increase parking turnover for access to shops and eateries, while also generating revenue for the community.

    Parking passes beach parking spaces and downtown spaces are not interchangeable.

    This topic is closed for feedback.

  • Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Tofino is located within Tla-o-qui-aht Ha-Houlthee (territory) and the District recognizes the importance of Tofino and Tla-o-qui-aht being aligned with respect to the downtown parking program.

    District Staff continue to consult with the Tla-o-qui-aht Nation to ensure that the two governments work together on the downtown parking program.

    This topic is closed for feedback.

  • Offshore Permits

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Downtown Pay Parking Program will include a model of fare-free annual parking passes for residents and visitors of Ahousaht, Opitsaht, Hesquiaht and the offshore community members of Clayoquot Sound.

    The offshore parking permit system for offshore residents will remain in place and there are no plans to change locations, number of spaces, or fee structure.

    This topic is closed for feedback.