Downtown Core Pricing
District staff are working to develop an affordable and progressive fee structure to encourage space turnover ever 2.5 hours. The intent is to stimulate alternative modes of transportation and shift preferred travel times, while not being set so high that parkers are penalized for visiting downtown.
The following fee structure proposes to implement hourly parking rates for drivers in the downtown core (or drivers without a Downtown Resident or Offshore Parking Pass) daily from 10AM to 6PM, from May to October each year:
- $1.50 per hour for the first two hours
- $2.00/hour for hours three and four
- $2.50/hour for hours five and six
- $3.00/hour for hours seven and eight
- The cumulative cost for parking all day in a paid spot is $18.00.
This fee structure projects net revenues of $230,000.00 for the year 2023 from the Downtown Pay Parking Program. Changes to this fee structure will impact projected revenues.
Add your thoughts below about the Downtown Core Pricing Model (the deadline to provide feedback on pricing is April 14, 2023 at 4PM):