Permits for Downtown Residents

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The District's current proposal is to initially introduce one free annual Downtown Residential Permit per residential unit. A second annual pass per residential unit is currently proposed at $250. Over time it is expected that the cost of a Downtown Resident Permit will increase.

It is proposed that this fee structure is phased-in over a number of years to allow the community to adapt to the new system. It is expected that the downtown pay parking program will impact existing multi-family dwelling buildings more than single-family lots where residents have the option to park more than one vehicle on a lot.

Residents that may be eligible for a 'Downtown Resident Parking Pass' are those who have a permanent residence at an address adjacent to (on or accross from) the coloured lines (green, blue, red or maroon) on the map (see Downtown Pay Parking Locations).

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