2023 Downtown Pay Parking Implementation
On May 15, 2023 at a Special Committee of the Whole, Council voted and authorized staff to proceed recommending "unlimited free parking for all beach pass holders in the downtown pay parking areas."
On May 23, 2023 at a Regular Council Meeting, Bylaws to amend the Pay Parking Program were read 3 times to Council and staff were authorized to proceed with implementation of the Downtown Pay Parking Program.
Staff expect to bring back the proposed parking and fee bylaws for Council’s consideration for final reading on June 13, 2023, and implementation of program is anticipated to begin July 17, 2023.
The Downtown Pay Parking Program will begin it's first year with the following conditions:
- Tofino, Ahousaht, Hesquiaht and Tla-o-qui-aht residents are now eligible for free parking permits in Tofino's downtown.
- Free parking downtown is granted through the Annual Beach Pay Parking Permit
- Register at: tofino.robbinsparking.com
- Residents of Ucluelet and ACRD communities are eligible for a discounted permit ($60) to park downtown in Tofino's downtown.
- Register at: tofino.robbinsparking.com
- Downtown Resident Permit Program
- Each residential unit adjacent to a pay parking restricted zone is eligible for 2 Downtown Resident Permit decals.
- First permit decal is free
- Second permit decal is $150
- Downtown Resident Permit decals grant long term and overnight access for registered vehicles limited to the resident's block.
- To obtain a Downtown Resident Permit decal, applicants must register in person at the Municipal Hall with identification and proof of address that is adjacent to a pay parking restricted zone.
- Each residential unit adjacent to a pay parking restricted zone is eligible for 2 Downtown Resident Permit decals.
- Pay parking in effect from 9AM to 6PM, June - October
- Maximum 6-hour parking in all spaces other than Highway 4, and spaces otherwise designated (15-minute parking, school, etc.)
- Flat rate of $2.00/hour for regular vehicles
- Flat rate of $4.00/hour for Recreational Vehicles
- Active enforcement of timed parking zones 7 days a week
- Highway 4 (Campbell and First Streets) changes from Free 2 hour maximum to Free 1 hour maximum (timed)
- Parking spaces adjacent the post office, bank, Municipal Hall, Gaia Grocery, and the Telus lot are free 15-minute spaces
- Combines beach and downtown programs
- Includes the existing Offshore permit program
- Free parking is available:
- along Campbell Street and lower First Street (Zone 1);
- in the Parent Parking (Zone 9);
- in the Very Short Duration Parking around the post office (Zone 4); and,
- in the Long Duration Timed Parking (Zone 5) at any time, year-round subject to parking duration regulations.
Let us know in the comments section below on how the program is working for you, so staff can continue to make improvements that work best for the community.