Project Update: June 18, 2024

The District of Tofino would like to provide an update on the ongoing Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project.

The project has successfully completed its initial three-day recirculation run test, ensuring that all plant equipment operates as intended.

In the coming weeks, the project team will initiate programming and controls to automate the plant while simulating various flow conditions to ensure optimal performance. The conveyance system is nearly ready for start-up and testing. Once completed, there will be a series of seven shutdowns and tie-ins. This process will transfer the District’s sanitary collection system to the WWTP, allowing for the discharge of secondary treated effluent through the new outfall at the end of Cedar Street.

The project team is on schedule to achieve operational sewer treatment by September 2024, with the necessary tie-ins occurring throughout August 2024.

District staff and the project team appreciate the public's patience during this critical infrastructure project.

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